Getting Your Team “On The Same Page”

I wanted to take the chance to address a common concern people have about CSR Training:

Getting your team on the same page and keeping the phones covered is tricky. That’s why we record your Initial Group Kickoff Training for future use and provide the option to host it multiple times so everyone can have the LIVE experience. That way everyone can truly be on the same page.

About the initial training, Alan O’Neal of Abacus Plumbing, Heating & Electrical said:

I’ve sat in on literally hundreds of training workshops… The feedback was unanimously positive. Exceeded my expectations by ten-fold. I would tell anybody who’s considering using Power Selling Pros to go for it.”  

So I suppose I’ll end this with what Alan says…


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After 30 minutes of conversation with our team, you’ll walk away with a knowledge of what your CSRs need to reach their full potential right now.

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